
Why Does My Shih Tzu Not Like Other Dogs?

why does my shih tzu not like other dogs
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Is your Shih Tzu shy? Aggressive? Overly protective? Or just not very social? If you’re wondering why does my Shih Tzu not like other dogs, it could be one of these reasons or it could be something a bit more serious. 

7 Reasons Why Your Shih Tzu Doesn’t Like Other Dogs

I know my Truman doesn’t like other dogs at all. (You can learn more about Truman and Sammy here.) He never has. 

I tried taking him to the dog park and he was completely miserable. He hid behind me and wanted nothing what so ever to do with any of the dogs playing there. 

He was so upset he didn’t even want to say hi to the people and he normally likes pretty much everyone.

It got so bad that he started shaking and drooling. I had to pick him up and clean him off and hold him, and then he was fine.

Sammy, on the other hand, loves other dogs. Once I took the leash off, she went bounding over to meet all the other dogs and give them a good butt sniff in the process and then went on to each human to get some love.

So, what’s the difference? Why does Truman hate dogs and Sammy loves them?

There are a few possible reasons.

1.Bad Past Experiences

If your Shih Tzu has had a bad experience in the past with another dog, it might have turned them off of dogs altogether. 

A few years ago, Truman had a really bad experience with a Boxer. 

I was taking Truman out for a walk. The apartment complex we lived in had rather extensive grounds with small ponds and lots of foliage and the like. 

Truman was a few feet behind me checking out some flowers. I turned around and what I saw scared the heck out of me.

A Boxer has run out of one of my neighbor’s front porch areas and had thrown Truman across the yard and had him by the throat.

(There were no gates on the porches. They had walls around them but the opening where you went in and out was completely open.)

Without thinking, I grabbed the leash and pulled as hard as I could and got Truman away from the much larger dog. I picked Truman up and then there we were standing there with nothing to protect ourselves as the Boxer stared us down.

I was scared to death to tell you the truth. The only thing I could do was back away which is what I did. We were just really lucky that the dog didn’t follow us or try to attack. 

Now, I’m sure most Boxers are wonderful dogs, but in this situation, this particular Boxer was certainly not on its best behavior.

Now, Truman was never a real fan of dogs, to begin with. After this experience, he really wanted nothing to do with them.

three shih tzus painted to look like they are punk rockers
Depositphotos ID: 10902558 Copyright: lifeonwhite

2. Your Shih Tzu Was Never Socialized

If your Shih Tzu never really got to spend a lot of time with other dogs when your Shih Tzu was young, there is a good chance they are a little afraid of other dogs instead of not liking them. 

Your Shih Tzu may never have had the opportunity to engage with and play with and see how wonderful other dogs can be. 

Now that they are a bit older, they are standoffish and maybe even a little aggressive towards other dogs.

Fear can do that to a little pouch.

Even if your Shih Tzu did get to socialize with other dogs at a young age, if they go a long period of time without having that kind of interaction, they can start to be uncomfortable around other dogs. 

I’ve always thought this is part of the issue with Truman. He was a litter of one and as a puppy, he was rarely around other dogs. I guess that was my fault.

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3. Your Shih Tzu is Naturally Shy

Some dogs are just naturally shy. They feel uncertain around other dogs. In this way, they are a lot like people. 

Maybe you or someone in your life is kind of shy and tends to keep to themselves because being around people makes them feel uncomfortable. 

Your Shih Tzu is no different.

Your Shih Tzu’s behavior could also be due to something that happened when they were younger. This is especially true if yours is a rescue dog. 

There may have been in an event in their past that has scared them and made them shy or easily frightened. It’s heartbreaking but it does happen.

Being abused or mistreated can also make your Shih Tzu shy.

4. Your Shih Tzu is Territorial

If your Shih Tzu feels their home is theirs and no one else should be allowed in, then this could be why your Shih Tzu seems to not like other dogs.

If you notice your pouch being territorial over their food or toys, then this is most likely the issue. It isn’t so much that they don’t like other dogs, they just don’t want to share their stuff or their environment.

If that’s the case, you can change their behavior with some training.

5. Dominance Issues

Sometimes, aggressive behavior can be due to dominance issues with your Shih Tzu. They may be unsure of their place in the pack and when another dog is introduced it can make this feeling even worse for them.

An older Shih Tzu might feel threatened if you add a younger canine addition to the family. Dogs are only happy when they know their place in the pack.

As a dog ages or new dogs are introduced into the pack, those places, and who is the alpha dog may change. This transition can be difficult especially for older dogs.

This dominance question can turn into a serious situation very quickly even between dogs that have lived their whole lives together.

For example, my sister had two rescue dogs. They were both female and about 50 pounds each. They were mixed breeds. 

Ginger and Pepper, that’s their names, lived peacefully together for years. Ginger was the younger of the two dogs, and Pepper was the alpha in the pack. 

One day, after Pepper had gotten older, Ginger out of the blue for no reason what so ever attacked her and almost killed her. 

Poor Pepper was never really the same after that and died a couple of years later. The vet said this can happen especially between dogs of the same sex. 

As Pepper got older, Ginger recognized in her doggy way that Pepper wasn’t as strong as she had been and Ginger, feeling insecure in her place as the beta dog without a strong alpha and acted on the situation.

So, if your Shih Tzu has started acting out against another dog in your family, take it seriously and ask your vet if there is anything you can do to help the situation.

And certainly, never leave the dogs together unchaperoned.

woman holding her long-haired shih tzu
Depositphotos ID: 33933951 Copyright: chaoss

6. Your Shih Tzu is Too Possessive of You

Shih Tzus are truly a one-person dog. They like everyone, but they only love one person in the household.

If your Shih Tzu becomes too attached to you they can become very possessive and even aggressive towards other people or dogs.

Your Shih Tzu starts to see you as something that belongs to them and if another dog comes near you they will show their displeasure.

So, it’s not so much that they don’t like other dogs, instead is they don’t want other dogs to play with their possessions, meaning you. 

7. Health Issues

Your Shih Tzu might have undetected health issues that cause them to not want to be near other dogs. 

If your pup has always liked other dogs and all of a sudden has stopped wanting to have anything to do with them, it could be a health issue.

You should have your vet check them out as soon as possible to make sure something serious isn’t going on.

Related Questions:

Are Shih Tzus Aggressive to Other Dogs?

In general, Shih Tzus are not aggressive towards people or other dogs. 

Even so, they can become aggressive if they become too possessive, are sick or injured, or have never been around dogs much.

How Can I Get My Dog To Like Other Dogs?

You should introduce your dog to another dog slowly and for just a few minutes at a time. Let them sniff each other and then have a time out. 

Give positive verbal encouragement. 

Then take your dog for a walk with another dog. 

If you see any signs of aggression separate the dogs and try again at another time.

To Sum it All Up:

There are several reasons your Shih Tzu might not like other dogs. It could be due to a lack of socialization when they were younger, they may be overly possessive, or they could be shy. You may be able to get them to like dogs a bit more with some training, but it could be your Shih Tzu will always be a one dog kind of dog.


Please Note:

This article is informational only and does not substitute for veterinary advice. Always check with your veterinarian if you are concerned about your Shih Tzu’s behavior. This article should not be considered in any way as veterinarian advice.

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