
Why Does My Shih Tzu Rub His Face on the Floor?

why does my shih tzu rub his face on the floor - shih tzu playing with tennis ball
Depositphoto ID: 2039005 Copyright: stevebonk

If you’re thinking to yourself, “Why does my Shih Tzu rub his face on the floor?” You are not alone. This is a common behavior that most dogs, including your cute little Shih Tzus, do from time to time. Face rubbing can be the result of many different inside and outside factors. Keep reading to find out why this cute action might raise some alarms.

My Truman (you can learn more about Truman here) is really bad about rubbing his face on the floor. This annoys my mother, who lives with me, to no end. 

You see, my mother makes hand-made rugs. They are all around the house. 

Of course, if Truman wants to rub his face on the floor he immediately heads to one of the rubs and his favorite is under the coffee table in my mother’s living room.

She has a small fit every time she catches him doing it. In her mind, he is ruining the rug. 

That might be true, over time.

Just today, he did it again and she swore she is going to throw her rug out and not put another on the floor again. That’s her decision to make, of course. Personally, I don’t see it as that big of a deal and just something that happens if you have a Shih Tzu or any dog really.

So, why is Truman rubbing his face on the floor? Let’s find out.

5 Common Reasons Your Shih Tzu is Rubbing Their Face on the Floor

There are many reasons why your Shih Tzu might be rubbing their cute face on the floor.  Some reasons are very innocent, and others could possibly result in a visit to the vet.  But don’t worry, most reasons are nothing to worry about at all. Here are some of the most common reasons.

1.They are Just Cleaning Up

Like all dogs, Shih Tzus like to keep their face clean.  This cannot be easily achieved with most places in your home, but the carpet however is a perfect place for a quick face scrub and scratch.

This most likely will occur after walks, or after feeding.  Both of these activities can lead to your Shih Tzu getting things like dirt, food, pollen, and other annoying things on their face.  

And it just so happens your carpet is the best place to get that off.

As much as we don’t want to think about it, even dogs get boogers.  So from time to time, your Shih Tzu might be getting some unwanted friends out of their nose. 

This might be gross to think about, but just remember this will help your little guy or gal breathe better.

Face rubbing can also happen due to Shih Tzus having naturally weeping eyes.  This gunk can build up over time and cause irritation and even pain in some extreme cases.  

Tear stain wipes can be bought to wipe this build-up away quickly and with very little discomfort.  Although they might not like it when it’s happening, be assured that your Shih Tzu is very thankful for your helping hand in making sure they stay clean and fresh.

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shih tzu laying on the floor on its side
Depositphotos ID: 47570043 Copyright: cynoclub

2. Allergies, Infections, and Unwanted Guests

Unfortunately, our pooches suffer from many of the same things we do, but they have to figure out different ways to deal with them. 

A Shih Tzu rubbing its face on the floor might be trying to get rid of allergies brought on by the changing of the season.  

This leads to sneezing and itchiness of the nose and eyes, much like humans.  Except our Shih Tzus cannot go to the local drug store for allergy medication.

Another possible cause could be nasal or eye infections.  Shih Tzus will rub their faces into the floor to try and alleviate pressure and itchiness, which will, unfortunately, make the problem worse.  

If you start to notice swelling of the eyes or a more than typical runny nose, it would be a good idea to bring your best friend to the vet.

Unwanted guests in the home are never greeted happily, especially when your Shih Tzu gives them a free ride inside after a walk or going outside to play. 

Mites and fleas can annoy your furry friend to the point where face rubbing and body rubbing are the only ways to get rid of the annoyance.  

If you notice this behavior it would be wise to get medication that treats these little pests before they can multiply.

3. Claiming What is Theirs

Dogs love to spread their scent, and Shih Tzus are no exception. Rubbing their face on the floor could be to simply establish territory.

Even without any other dog around, or even in the house, Shih Tzus will let everyone know that the house they live in is theirs.  

Rubbing their face on the ground spreads its scent and marks its territory.  

After all, they are descendants of Chinese royalty according to the American Kennel Club “When you own a Shih Tzu, you own a little bit of Chinese history. Imperial breeders in the palace of the Chinese emperor developed the Shih Tzu.”

You would most likely see this kind of behavior after a walk, or a trip to the dog park, or perhaps if another dog were to visit your home. 

This could also be the case if you own two dogs as well, even though they might get along, that does not mean their animal instincts are completely gone.  

They will try to establish their territory as much as possible, whether its marking trees or rubbing faces on anything in the home.  

However, you would most likely only see this specific type of behavior with male dogs, as females typically do not compete for territory as much as the males do.

4. Cleaning Their Ears

This one might require you to take a closer look.  Since Shih Tzus have very hairy ears, they require cleaning and plucking, and if not done, can lead to overgrowth and ear wax build-up.

If that didn’t sound bad enough, this build-up can lead to ear infections that can cause our little guys and gals harm.  

To try and counter this, they will rub their ears on the ground in an attempt to get rid of some of that earwax.

If you notice this behavior, it might be time to take your little friend in to be groomed.  If an infection has already started, a vet should be the first person you talk to.

Although ear infections are rare, they still do happen.  Staying on top of grooming is the best way to make sure this never happens.

shih tzu puppy playing in grass outside
Depositphotos ID: 51259809 Copyright: Patryk_Kosmider

5. They are Just Having Fun

Shih Tzus are a fun and energetic breed. And sometimes they do the weirdest things, even rubbing their faces on the floor for fun.

This might be odd to us, or even entertaining, but for our Shih Tzus, it’s all about the fun. 

Rubbing the floor might just feel good, or perhaps they are being playful and this is their way of getting your attention.  

Whatever the case may be, they just want to be loved and have fun, like all of us.

Related questions:

Why Does My Dog Rub Up Against the Couch?

Most often your dog does this to mark its territory.  Even though your dog is inside, it still wants to make sure everyone knows that this is its space.

The other reason could be that its face is itchy or has food stuck in it and your pouch wants it removed.

Why Does My Dog Rub His Face on the Carpet After Eating?

Your dog is rubbing its face on the carpet after it eats to clean it. Little bits of food can get stuck in your dog’s fur around its mouth, and this is a great way for him to get rid of it.

Why Do Dogs Rub Their Face with Their Paws?

Most of the time your dog is rubbing its face with its paws because they have an itch. Just like humans, they do itch sometimes and this is the best way to take care of it.

They could also have something stuck in the fur around their face that they are trying to dislodge.

To Sum it All Up: 

Shih Tzus rub their faces on the floor for many reasons. Some of these can be medically related, such as infections, gunk build-up, and pest infestations.  Others can be quite innocent reasons, such as just wanting to have fun, be goofy, or show everyone who runs the house. 

If medically related, seek out the advice and care of a licensed veterinarian, if the cause is not medically related, enjoy the moment and appreciate your pooch.


Please Note:

This article is informational only and does not substitute for veterinary advice. Always check with your veterinarian if you are concerned about your Shih Tzu’s behavior. This article should not be considered in any way as veterinarian advice.

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